So, we replaced 2/3 of the cocoa in our chocolate sponge cake recipe with fermented rice!
But here's a crucial factor—cocoa color!
Natural, unprocessed cocoa is always light in color. When cocoa undergoes alkalinization to reduce its natural acidity and increase shelf life, it turns dark. Alkalized cocoa has a neutral pH level and doesn't react with baking soda, unlike natural cocoa.
So, for Red Velvet, use the lightest cocoa you can find. We've already posted a
PDF-recipe for the Mulled Wine Red Velvet cake on our website, where we give valuable recommendations regarding cocoa, fermented rice, berries, and spices from the recipe.
You can make Red Velvet based on your favorite chocolate sponge cake, but it's easier to
purchase the ready recipe; it'll save you time and money on experiments.
Now, let me tell you about our cake. Our goal was to create a winter version of Red Velvet because we wanted to introduce it for sale immediately!