

Great for stollen, Christmas cake, and Panettone. Also delicious on their own!
We'll share a recipe for orange candied peel that will definitely turn out great

  • Oranges with thick peel 3 pcs
  • Water 500 g (17.6 oz)
  • Sugar 250 g (8.8 oz)
  • Orange juice 50 g (1.7 oz)

From three oranges, you'll get around 180g (6.35 oz) of sliced peels.

If you plan on storing it for a long time, consider adding glucpse syrup (or corn syrup or invert sugar) to the recipe; this will significantly slow down the crystallization process.
Glucose syrup typically contains 43% glucose, meaning 43% of it is glucose and the rest is water. Corn syrup has similar properties to glucose syrup.
Adding 50-70 grams (approximately 1.8-2.5 ounces) of glucose syrup to the recipe should reduce crystallization in the candied fruits.

  1. Thoroughly wash the oranges with hot water.
  2. Cut off both ends of the orange. Score the peel in four places at equal intervals. Remove it from the pulp, obtaining four identical quarters. Alternatively, slice it off with a knife. Repeat the process for all oranges.
  3. Cut into strips about 5mm wide.
  4. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan. It's crucial to choose a saucepan that's just the right size! If it's too small, the water will take a long time to evaporate, resulting in just boiled peel instead of candied fruit. The recommended diameter for the saucepan is at least 18-20 centimeters (approximately 7-8 inches).
  5. Place the peels in the boiling water and boil for 1 minute. Drain using a colander and immediately rinse with cold water.
  6. Boil the water again and repeat the process. Boil the peels for another minute and rinse in cold water. This step removes bitterness and excessive pungency from the zest; it can also be done a third time.
  7. In a pot, add sugar, pour in water and orange juice, bring the syrup to a boil.
  8. Add the peels to the syrup, cover with a lid, but not tightly, to let steam escape. Simmer over low heat for about 1.5 hours. Stove burners vary in power, and saucepans come in different sizes. It's crucial not to rely on time but instead on the consistency of the candied peels and syrup.
How do you know when the candied peels are ready? There will be very little syrup left; it will have almost boiled away. The syrup will be thick, and the peels will take on a glossy appearance. If your saucepan has a lot of 'liquid' and the peels resemble merely boiled orange rinds, increase the heat or use a larger saucepan. Allow the excess water to evaporate.

9. Leave the candied peels to cool in the syrup.
10. If you plan to use the candied peels for baking within a week, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator, directly in the syrup, for better taste and juiciness.
11. If you intend to use them as a standalone dessert, strain the remaining syrup through a sieve, allowing them to drain well. Partially dry the candied peels in an oven at 70 degrees Celsius (158 degrees Fahrenheit) until they reach the desired consistency.

Watch our YouTube-video about candied orange peel!